J.C. Cote Scholarship

Sponsored by the Arkansas SHRM State Council
Each year, the Arkansas SHRM State Council awards a $1000 scholarship to a college student who has demonstrated scholastic achievement and a commitment to a career in human resources.
This award is named in honor of J.C. Cote, who was a dedicated member of the ARSHRM State Council and the Western Arkansas SHRM chapter (WAHRA). J.C. served as Chapter President of WAHRA for two years. He also represented the ARSHRM State Council as 2001 State HR Conference Chair and as West District Director. J.C. put his “heart and soul” into these roles. Through this scholarship award, the Arkansas SHRM State Council seeks to identify and reward students who characterize J.C.’s commitment to the human resources profession.

Lindsay Davis
Student at Arkansas State University/HR Coordinator at Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative
Our 2024 J.C. Cote Memorial Scholarship winner is Lindsay Davis.
Scholarship Eligibility Requirements
Applicant must be a current student who is a resident of Arkansas or a current student at an Arkansas accredited college or university.
Undergraduate Applicants:
- Must have attained at least a junior standing at the beginning of the fall semester of the current academic year.
- Must have declared a major, emphasis, or concentration in Human Resources. If the Institution does not offer a major, emphasis, or concentration in Human Resources, then a major in general business, management, or administration may be considered, if the applicant has completed or is currently enrolled in 6 credit hours of coursework in human resource management. Introductory courses in human resource management will not count toward the 6 required hours. The Scholarship Selection Committee reserves the right to assess any and all credit hours used to meet this requirement and to determine if course content satisfies the requirement.
- Must have earned a GPA in a major of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Graduate Students:
- May be considered if the degree program in which they are enrolled is determined to be acceptable to the Scholarship Selection Committee
- Must carry a GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
- Must be a member of an SHRM Student Chapter or of SHRM National during the current academic year. If not already an SHRM student chapter member or a member of SHRM National, must be willing to become a SHRM student “at large” member if the academic institution attended does not meet SHRM requirements for a student chapter.
Selection of Scholarship Winner
The recipient will be selected on the basis of demonstrated satisfactory scholastic achievement, and a commitment to a career in Human Resources. A panel interview by the Selection Committee may be part of the selection process.
How to Apply:
This application must be filled out completely and accurately. To complete your application, you must submit this form along with a current resume, college transcript of all coursework, and two letters of recommendation via the Apply Online button below. If you need the paper form to apply, please email us. Scanned documents are acceptable. Send your application packet to:
Arkansas SHRM State Council
Attn: Tara Mauk Arthur
ARSHRM Communications & Awards Chair
Email: eat0@eau0eav0eaw0
Deadline is September 15.