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Photo 1 of Music as a Metaphor for Leadership Success.
UAFS Bakery District
70 South 7th
Fort Smith, AR 72901
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UAFS Bakery District
70 South 7th
Fort Smith, AR 72901

Music as a Metaphor for Leadership Success

Presented by Bill Scheidt, Managing Director, Sewa Beats (Winston-Salem, NC)


September 10, 2024

*BYOD - Bring Your Own Drum! Leveraging music to explore leadership success, Bill leads participants on a musical journey that draws powerful connections between the musical world and workplace success. Participants learn to create a piece of music together, applying skills like adaptivity, resilience, communication and focus. We debrief each step along the way, exploring the insights gained from dynamically employing these leadership skills in this unique musical context. By the end of the session participants have been challenged to play a piece of music in a very short time, and their success has produced a real feeling of learning and achievement - leaving everyone engaged, energized and connected! Key Take-Aways Participants will be able to immediately apply their refreshed perspective on the fundamentals of leadership. Having applied many of these skills through experiential learning exercises, they will have a renewed sense of the importance of a fundamentals-based focus in exploring what it means to be a leader in today’s professional world. Additionally, through their day to day interactions with colleagues and co-workers, attendees will be able to immediately apply their learnings in the areas of self-awareness and interpersonal intelligence. By using the perspective of music to explore the competencies of the field, participants will come away with a renewed appreciation of both the art and discipline of leadership. Revisiting the fundamentals of the field in this way elevates the leadership practices of professionals across any industry. In summary, this session is experiential, engaging, unique, research-based and fun!


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