2022 Randy Zook

Arkansas SHRM is pleased to announce Randy Zook is the 2022 Friend of the HR Profession recipient.
A strong proponent of business and an expert on business and HR needs in the state, Randy serves as President and CEO of the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce and the Associated Industries of Arkansas for the Arkansas. Randy’s leadership is a valuable resource to the HR profession.
Through his efforts, he improves the business climate with his work with government officials to protect, preserve and enhance legislation that protects the business community including many issues that are important to the HR profession. Most specifically, his efforts related to laws and legislation affecting workers’ compensation, the state’s unemployment insurance, and workplace matters.
In the fall of 2021, Randy strongly defended employers’ right to determine their COVID and vaccination policies and requirements to legislative committees. He provided multiple opportunities for employers and HR professionals to participate in meetings that explained multiple important issues, such as the impact of COVID-19 in the workplace and multiple legal and legislative issues.
He and his organization recognize ARSHRM as a critical partner in its legislative work on behalf of employers and is always open to input from ARSHRM and human resource professionals. The partnership relationship includes having HR professionals serve on State Chamber issue-based committees, coordination of testimony by HR professionals before legislative committees and professional input on HR issues in the development of the State Chamber/Associated Industries of Arkansas’s Legislative Agenda.
Randy and his governmental affairs team are always available to speak to ARSHRM about important legislative issues related to the human resource profession as well as answering questions about the status of legislation that would impact issues important to the HR profession.
Randy demonstrates all the key aspects of this award’s criteria with his continued willingness and effort to listen to HR Professionals' concerns relating to local, state, or federal legislative matters affecting the profession, educating himself on our issues, and actively considers the impact of legislative measures on the Profession.