2021 Friday, Eldredge, & Clark, LLP

Arkansas SHRM is pleased to announce the Arkansas SHRM's 2021 Friend of the HR Professional Award is Friday, Eldredge, & Clark, LLP. [Pictured are Wayne Young and Mike Moore.]
The Friend of the HR award recognizes the efforts of business leaders who have proven a willingness to listen to HR professionals' concerns relating to local, state, or federal legislative matters. The award also serves as recognition to those who provide education on these issues and actively consider legislative measures' impact on the profession.
Mike Moore, Wayne Young, Dan Herrington, along with several other attorneys from the firm, frequently educate HR and businesses on trending legal matters and willingly provide programs to ARSHRM local chapters, the Arkansas SHRM HR Conference, and the Employment Law & Legislative Affairs Conference, as well as financially support the state conference, and ELLA.
Over the years, the Friday Firm’s Labor and Employment Practice Group has worked with Arkansas SHRM and the State Chamber of Commerce to support and testify on legislation in HR’s best interest. Many of their attorneys are active members in the chapter and the Arkansas SHRM State Council.
Mike Moore, who is the head of the Labor and Employment Practice Group and a member of the firm's management committee, chairs the State Chamber Unemployment Insurance Committee and is a leading expert on Arkansas UI topics.
Wayne Young, a partner with the firm and a member of the Labor and Employment Law Practice Group, serves as General Counsel for the ARSHRM State Council and was the 2017 Russell Gunter Legislative Advocacy Award recipient.
Dan Herrington, a partner with the firm and a member of the Labor and Employment Law Practice Group, was the Recipient of the 2019 CAHRA Russell Gunter Member of the Year Award and previously served as General Counsel for Arkansas SHRM.
The firm is recognized as one of the oldest law firms in Arkansas, representing clients for 150 years that has demonstrated a strong foundation of devoted leadership and a continuous, sharp focus on clients’ needs and the HR Profession.
The Friday firm believe in serving the HR profession, and are more than a Friend of the HR Professional; they are a Colleague.